

bKash Eid Ul Adha Cashback Offer

bKash is running a Cashback Campaign with Monarch Mart from 27 May 2024 00:00 hour to Eid Day 23:59:59 hours. Shop now from Monarch Mart with saving money!

Here is the campaign modality:
  • Customers will get 10% Instant Cashback
  • Minimum payment amount to become eligible for cashback: BDT 500  
  • One customer will be able to enjoy maximum BDT 100 cashback daily and maximum up to BDT 200 during the campaign period.

Eligibility & T&C: Any bKash customer in full profile with active account status and having sufficient balance can enjoy the offer by paying through App, USSD & PGW (Checkout Payment). Customer will get the agreed amount of Cashback instantly.
1. bKash customer with active account status and sufficient balance can enjoy the offer by making payment from his/her bKash account (must be in Trust level-2 and Trust level-3).
2. In order to receive cash back, account status and incoming transaction of customer account must be active. If cashback disbursement fails due to customer account status issue, customer will not receive cash back for the campaign.
3. In case cash back disbursement fails due to any unknown/unforeseen reason except for customer account status issue, bKash will retry cash back disbursement manually with three intervals within 2 months after the campaign. If all attempts fail, no other attempt will be made and customer will no longer be entitled for the cash back of the
4. Customer is entitled to instant cash back for successful transaction (payment to select merchants in the campaign period) from his/her bKash account.
5. bKash reserves the right to change/modify campaign terms & conditions, merchant/outlet participation in any manner or cancel the entire campaign at any time without giving any prior notice.
6. bKash reserves the right to cancel cash back payout if the particular transaction and/or the customer transaction behavior raises reasonable suspicion that the customer has abused the benefit of the campaign.
7. bKash is neither liable nor responsible for merchant’s inability to ensure availability or delivery of product/service since bKash is only providing a payment service to the customer. Any reimbursement from merchant to the customer due to non-delivery of product shall not invalidate the respective transaction and therefore does not bind bKash to reinstate customer’s cash back eligibility limit disregarding the particular transaction for the campaign period. The cash back offer for that particular transaction shall be considered consumed accordingly.